Friday, February 26, 2010

Natural Weight Loss System

In this day and age, everybody seems to have a weight management system that involves monthly memberships. Whether it be for advice, support, meal plans or whatever, it all comes down to one primary objective - getting you to cough up X amount of dollars every month to lose weight.

Have you heard the saying " Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime "?

The same can be applied to the weight loss arena. Simply handing you a meal plan and saying " eat this for lunch and this for dinner " is not good enough. What you really need is the information that the experts base these meals on. Make sense?

Example:- If you understand why you are being told to eat 100 grams of broccoli with your evening meal, and you don't particularly like broccoli, you would have the information at hand to replace the broccoli in your diet with another vegetable that gives you the same benefits towards weight control without that horrid taste.

Another point I would like to make that is misconceived by many is that you don't have to feel hungry between meals. This is, in fact, detrimental to weight loss because your body will react to hunger between meals by storing some of what you eat in the form of fat. This is often referred to as " Starvation Mode " and is your bodies natural response to hunger. If your bodies metabolism starts to detect a pattern of hunger during the day it will respond by NOT processing everything you eat and storing part of it for later. I am sure you can understand what that does for your weight loss program - it stalls, generally neither gaining nor losing weight, so you are effectively going hungry for nothing.

Between meal snacks are acceptable, if they are of nutritional value, and will actually keep your metabolism fired so you can burn more calories.

In short, don't go hungry, you are wasting all your weight loss dollars if you do not have the facts on how your body works. Stop paying the self-proclaimed experts all your hard-earned cash and 'learn to fish' for yourself.

ALL the information is HERE.

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